Starting a Business & Self employment

We can talk you through the benefits and disadvantages of being self employed or forming a company in Spain.

We can talk you through the benefits and disadvantages of being self employed or forming a company in Spain. Self-employment or ‘autónomo” is the most common option when you’re just starting out as you don’t have to commit money or have as many accountancy worries.

Please come in to talk to us about the latest deals for people who are going into business.

Choosing the right business structure is important to accommodate your present and future goals in your business. The legal business structures in Spain are as follows:

Sole Trader or Sole Proprietor (Empresario Individual or Autónomo)

Comunidad de Bienes (C.B.)

Partnership (Sociedad Civil)

Public Limited Company, or Corporation (Sociedad Anónima or S.A.) Limited Liability Company (Sociedad de Responsabilidad Limitada, S.R.L., or S.L.)

New Enterprise Limited Company (Sociedad Limitada Nueva Empresa)

Worker-Owned Company (Sociedad Laboral)

General Partnership (Sociedad Colectiva)

Limited Partnership (Sociedad Comanditaria)

Cooperative (Sociedad Cooperativa)